Provide your input on the 2025-2027 school year calendars.
Contact Us
Hours: Monday - Friday (8:50 AM - 4:00 PM)
Phone: 757.648.4407 or 757.648.7708
Fax: 757.473.5185
School Nurse: Anna Cannon
Helpful Resources
- Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines for 2022-2023 School Year
- Clinic News/Information
- Division of Immunization
Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines for 2022-2023 School Year
All students entering the 7th or 8th grade must have a current Tdap vaccine and one dose of the MenACWY (Meningitis) vaccine (two-dose series) in addition to their other vaccines.
These vaccines are required for all 7th and 8th graders in Virginia, if you child is returning to the 8th grade for the 22/23 school year, they will also need to meet this requirement.
The Tdap and Meningococcal (Meningitis) vaccine may be obtained from area healthcare providers such as your doctor’s office, urgent care centers, the health department and military clinics.
If you have questions regarding these requirements, please contact the school nurse at Bayside Middle 7th/ 8th grade campus at 757-648-4407
Documentation showing that your child has received both the Tdap and one MenACWY (meningococcal) Vaccine must be provided to the middle school nurse before a student’s 2022/2023 class schedule can be given. Conditional enrollment is not allowed for this vaccine.
Visit the VBCPS Registration page to view the complete list of the required immunizations.
Clinic News/Information
In the event of an emergency, we must have current information. Please notify the clinic of any changes to your phone number or your designated emergency back-up persons.
Health Conditions
Please inform the nurse of any health conditions that could affect your child during school and if any health accommodations may be necessary. Also tell the nurse about any medications your child may be taking or if there are any changes to their health during the school year.
Medication Policy
Parents are allowed to come to the clinic to administer medication to their child. To have the nurse or coach to give any medication a doctor must provide a written order, even for over the counter medications like Tylenol or Advil. All medication must be brought to the clinic by an adult in the original bottle. Students are not allowed to carry medication to school (or to the nurse), even if it is prescribed for the student. An adult must pick up any remaining medication during the last week of school. The clinic staff must destroy any medication remaining in the clinic on the last day of school.
After School Programs and Medication
The clinic is open during the regular school hours, not during after school activities. Medications stored in the school clinic are not available to students after regular school hours. If your child could require medications such as an Epi-pen, insulin/glucagon, and/or asthma inhaler, it is important that you notify the school nurse and activity sponsor, prior to your child participating in school sponsored after-school activities to ensure a safe environment for your child.
Insurance information is sent home the first week of school. Parents are encouraged to buy coverage, since the cost of medical attention is not covered by Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Incidents that occur at school that require medical attention are the financial responsibility of the legal guardian.
Health Services
Visit the VBCPS Health Services page to view important health-related forms and information, such as Current Immunization Requirements, Medication Administration Forms, Life-Threatening Allergy Forms, Asthma Health Care Action Plan, and many more.
Division of Immunization
Phone: 804-864-8055
When Should You Keep Your Child Home Due to Illness?
Parents should evaluate if their child should attend school when showing signs or symptoms of a possible contagious illness to protect their child, other students, and school staff. It is recommended that a child with the following not attend school:
- An oral temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher
- Open draining skin areas that have not been evaluated by a healthcare provider.
- More than one episode of vomiting or diarrhea that has not been evaluated by a healthcare provider or child is contagious.
- Skin rash that has not been evaluated by a healthcare provider
- Eye appears pink/red with thick yellow discharge (matted eyelid after sleep)
- Chicken Pox (stay home until all blisters are scabbed over or dry)
- Persistent productive cough.
- Extreme fatigue.
- Antibiotics prescribed for an infection. Medicine must be taken for at least 24 hours before a child can return to school with a return to school note from the prescribing health care provider and must be fever free.
- Students that are treated for a contagious illness. Healthcare provider must provide a back to school note to the school nurse.
- Students taking fever-reducing medication to mask a fever.
The nurse will contact the parent of a student showing the above signs and symptoms and recommend that he/she are picked up from school. Please contact the school nurse should you have any questions.