Provide your input on the 2025-2027 school year calendars.
Welcome BMS students!
We believe in our students and each day we recite our pledge: I will be the best person I can be today and everyday by: Respecting myself and others, taking Responsibility for my actions, Learning as much as I can, Believing in myself. When I am being the best person I can be, I begin to open the door to all of my dreams and my future destiny.
Helpful Resources
- Middle School Student Supplies
- VBCPS Middle School Student Handbook
- Student Schedules can be viewed through StudentVue/ParentVue
- Daily Schedule (normal school day)
- Students who need to replace Chromebook charger, please contact contact Mr. McDaniel at 757-648-4417.
- Middle School Sports Physical Form must be on file for your student to participate in any school sports.
For up to date information on student athletics and activities, please visit the VBCPS Middle School Sports page.